There are somethings you as a graduate need to put in check before submitting your CV to any organisation :
1. Distance
2. Work Experience
3. Having full Knowledge about Computer
4. Background of Organization
5. Is it through Job Agency
6. Format of Sending Curriculum Vitae/Resume to Organisation email
7. Job Related:
8. Standard/Structure of Organisation
Let’s discuss them one after the other:
1. Distance:
Most companies considers distance a major factor as it serve as a strict criteria when short listing job applicant, because they wouldn’t want a situation where the worker will be late to work/or be delayed due to traffic, and also in case of emergency.
Moreover employers also don’t want to be a burden on you especially when the pay is not much or probably maybe the business is a medium scale enterprise. So my advice is when applying for that job considers the distance to your place of residence.
2. Work Experience:
Believe me or not most companies are not ready to employ any job applicant who has minimal or little experience in the job field, or do not meet required level of experience because the management usually consider the stress involved in training you to suit the job applied for. E.g. a learned accountant who has been in the company for 5years resigned , and they need a new accountants for the job, definitely they will be requiring the services of a chartered accountant with good experience.
3. Having full knowledge about Computer Operating System:
The mistake most job applicants make especially fresh graduate lying about being a computer literate in their resume. For instance when the job required you to have full knowledge about major operating and application software.
You can’t just have basic knowledge on how to operate a computer with a little know how of Microsoft word and expect that this will help you edge pass that job interview. You need to be well conversant with most Microsoft office application .e.g. excel, PowerPoint and other office software.
4. Background of Organization:
When applying first make a background check on that organization, do they have a website, social media page such as facebook, twitter and others, does the company appears in most website who list major business .e.g. Vconnect, Because most companies are fake, some are just there to exploit fresh graduate of their money.
5. Is it through Job Agency:
Well it is not a new thing that most organization engage the service of this agency companies for employer due the stress of searching for applicant, but we have to be careful when applying because 50% of this agency are fake, they don’t really have a job toffer, some even liaise with small companies to rob off applicants all in the name of job vacancy. So the best advice is research well on that agency company.
6. Sending Curriculum Vitae/Resume to Organisation email:
Some applicants are negligent on the way they send CV to organization, you will see subject of email as .e.g. Latest Cv, My Cv, Updated Cv, and many more. my advice is always followed the required format stated by the employer in order not be disqualified, especially when the person assessing all sent CV is not the patient type, he/she may simply ignore your cv.
7. Job Related:
We understand you may have been unemployed since you finished your service year, but always ensure that that job applied for is related to your field of study, unless stated otherwise as part of job requirement, for example accompany may need an account officer for a particular position, an applicant with Accounting qualification will be considers first before a candidate with Marketing or Public Administration educational qualification.
8. Standard/Structure of Organisation
Ensure to run a check on the organization after applying, is it a big, medium or small business organization, sometimes we don’t know the nature of organization majorly because some of this job comes from Job Agent, but never the less we need to be careful with answers provided during interview especially when it comes to salary issue.
With this few tips I hope I have clarified some things to our young and fresh graduate seeking that dream job.
Best of luck to you all. And always never settle for less, though great thing start small.

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